A New PAC Appears

Transparency can be defined as operating in a way that it is easy for others to see what actions are being taken and why. It implies an openness and desire for two-way communication. Without transparency there can be no true accountability. That is why transparency is critical for a healthy democratic process, including school board elections.

In spite of that we find ourselves wondering why, for the second week in a row, incumbent school board candidates have been attempting to further their campaigns through promotions or attack ads in the Current with no transparency. First, with the last minute formation of the Americans Against Progressive Elitist Policies PAC by locals Jim Ake and Birch Dalton and then via the fictitious “Coalition of Students, Teachers, and Taxpayers – COST PAC”. 


You can find the COST in WWS Facebook page, created in 2020, that was dedicated to pushing back against the reassignment of former High School Principal Dr. Stacy Maguire. The Current story at the time reported the coalition was being led by none other than Birch Dalton. The original name was the Coalition of Stakeholders and Teachers and had a similarly named non-profit called Coalition of Stakeholders and Teachers PAC formed 8/1/2020. Not only does the PAC listed as paying for the recent ad not exist in any legal PAC filings, they changed the name to something they thought would be better received. The COST in WWS page hasn’t even been active for well over a year and residents previously working to support the group were never told that this was happening.  

Where’s the Transparency?

Perhaps the worst part is they are stealing the name of a local group formed specifically to support former Principal Dr. Stacey Maguire and using it to endorse one of the board members who voted to have her reassigned. There was no transparency extended to residents affiliated with the original COST in WWS group. There was no transparency in these new or made up organizations paying for ads week after week. There is no transparency in where any of the funding for these organizations came from. There is only the association of two locals trying to buy influence, each attempt more deceptive than the last. Along the way the current incumbent candidates up for re-election have looked the other way as they benefit from removing transparency and avoiding accountability.   

Transparency is one of the 5 pillars ROCK PAC looked for in candidates prior to endorsing them for this year’s Westfield Washington School Board election. It is one we would never abandon in an attempt to win and one we are glad Jill Woerner, Patrick Phillips, & Patrick Fassnacht all embody. Please join us in spreading the message and vote for JPP.     

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In Response to the Current Attack Ad

This past week an extremely partisan attack ad was run in the Current against the candidates we have chosen to endorse in this year’s Westfield Washington School Board elections. We have received numerous questions from people asking who ran the ad, why it was run for a school board race, and our thoughts on what this means leading up to election day. The whole ordeal is unfortunate, and unnecessary, but we’ll spend the next few days addressing these questions and concerns.

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New Team Member Announcement

ROCK PAC is pleased to announce that Curt Bennett will be joining our team in the position of Treasurer.

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A WHS Student’s Perspective

I’ve been a part of the Westfield Washington School Family since the beginning of my sixth-grade year in 2017-2018. Throughout my time in Westfield Washington Schools I’ve not only experienced great teachers but have been presented an assortment of different opportunities; however, beyond the general school level, I hope to see increased transparency from our school board as the initiatives they create and policies they pass directly affect myself and other members of the student body. The importance of improved transparency from the school board not only helps our students understand what is happening within our district and how it pertains to their specific school but it creates an open and honest line of communication about future initiatives and plans from the board to parents. As a student at the High School, I also hope to see our school members and others considering running for the school board to have a commitment to creating an equitable environment for marginalized students throughout our district. We deserve to have safe places within our respective schools, and we deserve to have our history and culture respected, appreciated, and taught within our schools.

David Y.

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