Jill Woerner

School Board Candidate
"Meeting the needs of ALL students is at the core of who I am."

Visit Jill's Official Campaign Website!

About Jill

Jill Woerner has spent her life working in schools and educational settings. She truly believes that every student can learn and that each student’s learning path is unique and requires different experiences or supports. She works tirelessly to ensure people she works with are heard and supported. She has a passion for making the world, and all of its wonder, accessible to students and communities. Now, she is ready to dedicate time and attention to her community’s public schools to help empower its leaders to make an impact on each and every Rock.

Jill is a Westfield resident and is proud to represent Westfield-Washington’s 4th District in the 2022 School Board election.

  • Seasoned Educator

    • Award-winning World Language educator.

    • Taught elementary, middle, and secondary students in both public and private school settings.

    • Served Hoosier students and families as a school administrator and as the World Languages and Global Learning Specialist at the Indiana Department of Education

  • Experienced Board Member

    • Chair of the Board for the Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages

    • Runs the Indiana Global Learning Advisory Council

    • Served as at the national level as the Professional Learning Committee Chair for the ACTFL Board of Directors

    • Serves on the Board of Directors for Indiana Partners of the Americas

**Soy bilingÞe tambiÃĐn.**

“There are so many things that WWS is doing well, that I hope you’ll join me in amplifying those positive steps. Let’s also help the district take steps to retain and attract great teachers and bring even more student-centered opportunities to Westfield! There’s more that can be done and I’m ready to help make it happen!”
