Westfield Washington School District Results

Westfield Washington Schools have a record of success across multiple measures. Over the last 4 years, the results of state academic tests in English/Language Arts and Math compared to the state average demonstrate the commitment that WWS has to the academic success of its students.


Above Average Test Scores

State assessment scores for grades 3-8 are an average of 68.87% above state average.

State assessment scores for grade 10 are 64.75% above state average.


COVID-19 Pandemic

Due to the global pandemic, test scores and rankings were not available. 


A-Rated Schools

State assessment scores for grades 3-8 are an average of 53.86% above state average.

State assessment scores for grade 10 are 87.8% above state average.

Given an "A" rating by the state of Indiana.


Above Average Scores

State assessment scores for grades 3-8 are an average of 31.7% above state average.

Westfield Washington Four Star School Awards

The Four Star School Award is given by the Indiana Department of Education to the top schools in the state. 

The current criteria to qualify as a Four Star School are:

  • A school must have received an “A” on the state’s A-F Accountability system for the school year.
  • A school must have tested at least 95% of students on ISTEP English/Language Arts and Math.
  • Combined ISTEP Pass Percentage (Pass Percentage of English/Language Arts ISTEP + Pass Percentage of Math ISTEP) must be in Top 25th Percentile for each grade tested. (minimum of 10 students).
  • Percent Passing Both ISTEP (Percent of students who passed both the English/Language Arts ISTEP + Math ISTEP) must be in the Top 25th Percentile for each grade tested. (minimum of 10 students).

2017 - 2018

  • Carey Ridge Elementary School
  • Maple Glen Elementary
  • Shamrock Springs Elementary School
  • Westfield High School

2016 - 2017

  • Oak Trace Elementary School
  • Westfield High School

2015 - 2016

  • Oak Trace Elementary School
  • Carey Ridge Elementary School
  • Maple Glen Elementary
  • Shamrock Springs Elementary School

2014 - 2015

  • Oak Trace Elementary School
  • Maple Glen Elementary
  • Shamrock Springs Elementary School
  • Westfield High School
  • Westfield Middle School